
Schritt 1 :
NET Runtime 6.0 x64 herunter und installieren

Link zum Download Klick mich ...

Schritt 2:

Serverfiles Direkt runterladen:


oder Ladet euch die Files  per steamcmd herunter

login anonymous
app_update 1061710

Schritt 3:

Navigieren zu install Ordner dieser wäre bei mir


auf dem dort vorhandenen Ordner Server mit derrechten Maustaste und gedrückter Umschalt Taste PowerShell-Fenster hier öffnen auswählen.

dann für den ersten Start des Servers den folgenden Befehl verwenden.

dotnet CryoFall_Server.dll loadOrNew

Schritt 4 :

den Server mit folgenden Befehl  nach ca 1-2 Minuten beenden 

stop 0

Schritt 5 :

Die Server Settings Datei wie im Video bearbeiten.

Schritt 6:

Server nun mit diesem Befehl durch starten 

dotnet CryoFall_Server.dll load

Server kann mit dem Befehl  stop xxxx das heist das der Server in xxx Sekunden gestoppt  beendet wird oder einfach das Power Shell Fenster schließen.

stop 60

So fügst du Mods hinzu...

Öffne die Datei ModsConfig.xml im Menü „Konfigurationsdateien“. Füge dann einen Mod hinzu, wie unten gezeigt:

<?xml version="1.0" binding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>


<?xml version="1.0" binding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <mod>core_1.0.0</mod> <mod>ModFileNameHere</mod> </mods>

Server Commands :

Command List:

* Description: Clear all the past locations for all the events (so new events could happen there again).
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:

* Description: Finishes all the active events.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:

* Description: Adds specified item(s) to all player characters.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /admin.giveawayItem <item> [count]

* Description: Adds specified item(s) to all player characters.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /admin.giveawayLP <learningPoints>

* Description: Lists players currently in creative mode
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:

* Description: List all the land claims of the specified player or of all the players.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /admin.listLandClaims <player>

* Description: List all the land claims with their owners.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /admin.listLandClaimsOwners [minOwnersNumber]

* Description: Adds server moderator.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /moderatorAdd [character]
  /admin.moderator.add [character]

* Description: Lists server moderators.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:

* Description: Removes server moderator.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /moderatorRemove [character]
  /admin.moderator.remove [character]

* Description: Notifies all players on the server.
              Important: wrap the "message text in quotes"!
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /admin.notifyAll <messageInQuotes>

* Description: Notifies a player on the server.
              Important: wrap the "message text in quotes"!
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /admin.notifyPlayer <player> <messageInQuotes>

* Description: Adds server operator.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /opAdd [character]
  /admin.operator.add [character]

* Description: Lists server operators.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:

* Description: Removes server operator.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /opRemove [character]
  /admin.operator.remove [character]

* Description: Special debug command to add useful items to the player character.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /pwn [player]
  /admin.pwn [player]

* Description: Set raiding window. Please ensure you're using a correct UTC offset!
              To disable raiding protection completely, please set 24 hours duration from any hour with any UTC offset.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /admin.setRaidingWindow <UTC> <fromHour> <duration>

* Description: Executes all spawn scripts.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:

* Description: Executes all spawn scripts for the specified zone.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /admin.spawnZone <protoZone>
  /admin.spawnZone <protoZone> [isInitialSpawn]

* Description: Creates and starts an event.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /startEvent <protoEvent>
  /admin.startEvent <protoEvent>

* Description: Add all completionist entries to player.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /completionist.addAll [player]

* Description: Lists all completionist entries for player.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /completionist.list [player]

* Description: Reset completionist entries for player.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /completionist.reset [player]

* Description: Prints information about all the available console commands.
* Type: client & server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /help [searchCommand]
  / [searchCommand]

* Description: Gets or sets current log severity.
* Type: client & server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /console.logSeverity [severity]

* Description: Replace roads with broken roads according to a special position-derived algorithm. Can be run multiple times as further executions will not do any changes to the already replaced roads.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:

* Description: Finds prototypes which have invalid names.
* Type: client & server (operator only)
* Usage:

* Description: Finds prototypes which have the duplicate name.
* Type: client & server (operator only)
* Usage:

* Description: Forces update of all pragmium source minerals in the game. They will attempt to spawn nodes and guardian creatures.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:

* Description: Invoke GC (garbage collection).
* Type: client & server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /gc <generation>
  /debug.gc <generation>

* Description: Lists all the recipes and buildings and their status (except for recipes/buildings that already belong to any technology nodes). This command is used to find orphaned recipes/buildings.
* Type: client & server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /debug.listRecipes <AutoUnlocked|Unavailable>

* Description: Print network stats for all the connected clients
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:

* Description: Resets the land claim founder to null and resets the access list.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /debug.resetLandClaimOwner [nearCharacter]
  /debug.resetLandClaimOwner <x> <y>

* Description: Resets server raid block for the base.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /debug.resetRaidblock [character]
  /debug.resetRaidblock <x> <y>

* Description: Invoke server autosave. You should not normally use it, normally the server should automatically do a snapshot as it's configured. When the server is shutting down it should also perform an autosave.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:

* Description: Set structures bar to % of the max value to all structures in the world. Percent is specified as value from 0 to 100.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /debug.setAllStructuresHP <hpPercent>

* Description: Set all vegetation to full grown state.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:

* Description: Modifies charge amount of the S.H.I.E.L.D. (PvP) for the base located near the player.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /debug.setBaseShieldCharge [chargePercent] [character]

* Description: Modifies status of the S.H.I.E.L.D. protection (PvP) for the base located near the player.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /debug.setBaseShieldStatus <Inactive|Activating|Active> [character]

* Description: Modifies charge/fuel amount of all items in player's inventory/equipment/hotbar to match the required charge percent (provided as value from 0 to 100).
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /debug.setItemsCharge [chargePercent] [character]

* Description: Modifies durability of all items in player's inventory/equipment/hotbar to match the required durability percent (provided as value from 0 to 100).
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /debug.setItemsDurability [durabilityPercent] [character]

* Description: Modifies freshness of all items in player's inventory/equipment/hotbar to match the required freshness percent (provided as value from 0 to 100).
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /debug.setItemsFreshness [freshnessPercent] [character]

* Description: Sets the land claim founder and resets the access list.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /debug.setLandClaimOwner [nearCharacter] <newOwner>
  /debug.setLandClaimOwner <x> <y> <newOwner>

* Description: Modifies charge amount of the power grid for the power grid located near the player.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /debug.setPowerGridCharge [chargePercent] [character]

* Description: Provides detailed statistics for all technology in the game.
* Type: client & server (operator only)
* Usage:

* Description: Enable raid block for the base.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /debug.testRaidblock [character]
  /debug.testRaidblock <x> <y>

* Description: Adds sets of items according to specified category to the player character.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /kit [category] [player]
  /demo.kit [category] [player]

* Description: Spawns a mob of the specified type to the specified tile position in the world or near the specified character, depending on arguments used.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /spawn <protoMob> [count] [nearPlayer]
  /spawn <protoMob> <x> <y> [count]
  /mobs.spawn <protoMob> [count] [nearPlayer]
  /mobs.spawn <protoMob> <x> <y> [count]

* Description: Adds a player name into the blacklist.
              Players from this list cannot connect to the game server
              (unless a player is an admin or moderator).
              Please note: there is also a whitelist that is intended
              to work in an opposite way by allowing access only to those players
              that are listed in a whitelist while everyone else is not allowed.
* Type: server (moderator/operator only)
* Usage:
  /ban <playerName>
  /mod.blackList.add <playerName>

* Description: Prints the blacklist content.
* Type: server (moderator/operator only)
* Usage:

* Description: Removes a player name from the blacklist.
* Type: server (moderator/operator only)
* Usage:
  /mod.blackList.remove <playerName>

* Description: Kicks the player from the server for the defined amount of time.
* Type: server (moderator/operator only)
* Usage:
  /kick <character> [minutes]
  /mod.kickList.add <character> [minutes]

* Description: Prints the kicked players list content.
* Type: server (moderator/operator only)
* Usage:

* Description: Un-kicks the player (remove from the temporary kick list on the server).
* Type: server (moderator/operator only)
* Usage:
  /mod.kickList.remove <playerName>

* Description: Mutes the player on the server for the defined amount of time.
* Type: server (moderator/operator only)
* Usage:
  /mute <character> [minutes]
  /mod.muteList.add <character> [minutes]

* Description: Prints the muted players list content.
* Type: server (moderator/operator only)
* Usage:

* Description: Un-mutes the player (remove from the temporary mute list on the server).
* Type: server (moderator/operator only)
* Usage:
  /mod.muteList.remove <playerName>

* Description: Adds a player name into the whitelist.
              Please don't forget to enable the whitelist after adding a player there.
* Type: server (moderator/operator only)
* Usage:
  /whiteListAdd <playerName>
  /mod.whiteList.add <playerName>

* Description: Enables or disables the whitelist.
              When the whitelist enabled, only players added to the whitelist
              can connect to the server (plus admins and moderators).
              Please note: there is also a blacklist that is intended
              to work in an opposite way by disallowing access only to those players
              that are listed in a blacklist while everyone else is allowed.
* Type: server (moderator/operator only)
* Usage:
  /mod.whiteList.enabled [isEnabled]

* Description: Prints the whitelist content.
* Type: server (moderator/operator only)
* Usage:

* Description: Removes a player name from the whitelist.
* Type: server (moderator/operator only)
* Usage:
  /mod.whiteList.remove <playerName>

* Description: Browse the party of the specified player.
* Type: server (moderator/operator only)
* Usage:
  /party.browse <player>

* Description: Sets the clan tag for the party of the specified player. The clan tag could be left empty - the clan tag will be removed for the party then.
* Type: server (moderator/operator only)
* Usage:
  /party.setClanTag <player> [clanTag]

* Description: Add technology learning points value for a player character.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /player.addLP <learningPoints> [player]

* Description: Discover whole map for the player character.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /player.discoverMap [player]

* Description: Get the world position of a player character.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /pos [player]
  /player.getPosition [player]

* Description: Restore 100% of the player character health, energy, etc.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /heal [player]
  /player.heal [player]

* Description: Adds specified item(s) to a player character.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /addItem <item> [count] [player]
  /player.items.add <item> [count] [player]

* Description: Removes all items from a given player character.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /player.items.reset [player]

* Description: Kills you. Use when you desperately need to get rid of yourself and respawn. You cannot kill yourself more often than once in 5 minutes.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:

* Description: Prints the current final stats cache of the player character.
              It lists all the applied stats with their sources.
* Type: client & server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /player.printFinalCache [player]

* Description: Toggles creative mode.
This mode allows you to build without using any resources also skipping the entire build phases.
This mode is enabled by default in the Editor mode.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /creative <isEnabled> [character]
  /player.setCreativeMode <isEnabled> [character]

* Description: Sets energy value to a player character. The energy value is automatically clamped into the available range.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /player.setEnergy <energy> [character]

* Description: Sets food value to a player character. The food value is automatically clamped into the available range.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /player.setFood <food> [character]

* Description: Sets health value to a player character. The health value is automatically clamped into the available range.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /player.setHealth <health> [character]

* Description: Sets invincibility to a player character.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /god [isEnabled] [character]
  /player.setInvincibility [isEnabled] [character]

* Description: Set technology learning points value for a player character.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /player.setLP <learningPoints> [player]

* Description: Toggles newbie protection.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /player.setNewbieMode <isEnabled> [character]

* Description: Toggles spectator mode.
* Type: server (moderator/operator only)
* Usage:
  /spectator <isEnabled> [character]
  /player.setSpectatorMode <isEnabled> [character]

* Description: Sets water value to a player character. The water value is automatically clamped into the available range.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /player.setWater <water> [character]

* Description: Teleports a player character to the specified tile position in the world or to another player depending on arguments used.
* Type: server (moderator/operator only)
* Usage:
  /tp <toPlayer> [player]
  /tp <x> <y> [player]
  /player.teleport <toPlayer> [player]
  /player.teleport <x> <y> [player]

* Description: Add quest to a player (even if prerequisites are not satisfied).
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /quest.add <quest> [player]

* Description: Add all quests to a player (even if prerequisites are not satisfied).
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /quest.addAll [player]

* Description: Complete a specific active quest for player (even if prerequisites are not satisfied).
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /quest.complete <quest> [player]

* Description: Complete all quests to a player (even if the quest is not added or the prerequisites are not satisfied).
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /quest.completeAll [player]

* Description: Complete all active quests to a player (even if prerequisites are not satisfied).
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /quest.completeAllActive [player]

* Description: Remove quest from a player (if exist).
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /quest.remove <quest> [player]

* Description: Remove all quests from a player.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /quest.removeAll [player]

* Description: Reset quest to a player (if exist).
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /quest.reset <quest> [player]

* Description: Add skill experience for a specified skill.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /skills.addExp <skill> <exp> [player]

* Description: Print full list of skills of a player.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /skills.list [player]

* Description: Reset all the player skills.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /skills.resetAll [player]

* Description: Set a given skill for a player.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /skills.set <skill> [level] [player]

* Description: Set specific level for all skills of a player.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /skills.setAll [level] [player]

* Description: Adds specified status effect to a player character.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /statusEffects.add <statusEffect> [intensityToAdd] [player]

* Description: Adds all possible status effects (some of them will be immediately remowed, however, as they cannot exist together).
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /statusEffects.addAll [player]

* Description: Removes specified status effect from a player character.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /statusEffects.remove <statusEffect> [player]

* Description: Remove all status effects.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /statusEffects.reset [player]

* Description: Add all tech groups and all nodes to a player.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /tech.addAll [player]

* Description: Add all tech groups to a player (without their nodes).
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /tech.addAllGroups [player]

* Description: Add a particular tech group to a player.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /tech.addGroup <group> [player]

* Description: Add a tech node to a player. It will also add all other required nodes if there's a conflict.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /tech.addNode <node> [player]

* Description: Add a particular tech tier to a player. The argument controls whether the tech nodes of the tech gr
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /tech.addTier <tier> <withNodes> [player]

* Description: Remove all tech groups/nodes from a player.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /tech.removeAll [player]

* Description: Remove a tech group from a player.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /tech.removeGroup <group> [player]

* Description: Remove a tech node from a player.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /tech.removeNode <node> [player]

* Description: Reset player's tech tree and refund all the LP.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /tech.resetTechTreeAndRefundLP [player]

* Description: Add tech group and enable nodes to have desired percent of completion (value from 0 to 1, inclusive) to a player. This is useful when you need a particular tech group to have some nodes, but not all.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /tech.setGroupCompletion <techGroup> <completionPercent> [player]

* Description: Activates raidblock status for the base where character is present now.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /world.activateBaseRaidblock [character]

* Description: Destroys the closest world object in the player character position or neighbor tiles.
              You can use this to destroy any creatures, buildings or objects such as resources.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /world.destroy [character]
  /world.destroy <x> <y>

* Description: Destroys all static world objects of the specific prototype.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /world.destroyAll <protoObject>

* Description: Places a static world object in the player character position or in any specified position.
              You can use this to spawn new buildings and resources.
              You need to provide a player character name to place an object in its position.
              Please note that the character must be in spectator mode.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /place <protoStaticWorldObject> [character]
  /place <objTypeName> <x> <y>
  / <protoStaticWorldObject> [character]
  / <objTypeName> <x> <y>

* Description: Forces specified time of day on the server.
To reset please execute this command without any arguments.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /world.setTimeOfDay [hour] [minute]

* Description: Spawns a vehicle in the player character position or in any specified position.
              You need to provide a player character name to place a vehicle in its position.
              Please note that the character must be in spectator mode.
* Type: server (operator only)
* Usage:
  /spawnVehicle <protoDynamicWorldObject> [character]
  /spawnVehicle <objTypeName> <x> <y>
  /world.spawnVehicle <protoDynamicWorldObject> [character]
  /world.spawnVehicle <objTypeName> <x> <y>

Anpassen der Servergebühren:

Stoppe denIhren Server.
Klicke auf „Konfigurationsdateien“
Klicke neben ServerRates.config auf „Texteditor“.
Alle Tarife sind standardmäßig deaktiviert. Um sie anzuwenden, mußt du das #-Zeichen am Anfang der Zeilen entfernen.
Änder die Werte auf deine gewünschten Werte.
Speicher die Datei oben links.
Starten den Server.
Wenn du die ServerRates.config-Datei sichern möchtest, dann verwende das Tool „Backup ServerRates.config“ im Spielfenster.

Server per Launch.bat Starten.

Erstellt euch folgende .bat Datei mit folgenden Inhalt und packt diese in euer Hauptspiel Verzeichnis in dem ihr die Ordner Binaries, Core, Data usw... findet.

cd Binaries\Server
dotnet CryoFall_Server.dll loadOrNew
Startet nun den Server mit der Launch.bat Datei und spart euch das lästige PowerShell Fenster Gedöns.

Speichern Sie die Datei oben links und starten Sie Ihren Server.

Sollte ihr euer Logo gerne hinzufügen dann ersetzt im Ordner Data einfach das ServerIcon.png.

Das war es auch schon wieder...

Viel Spaß 


rumpel  Smile

Angehängte Dateien
.zip (Größe: 207 Bytes / Downloads: 0)
[Bild: logo.png]