
1. Steamcmd einrichten.

Steamcmd Klick mich...

2. erstellen der Server start.bat zum installieren,Updaten & Starten des Servers.

rem ___________________
rem ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
set SteamCMD_Dir=C:\steamcmd
rem ^ Location to dirctory containing steamcmd.exe ^
set Server_Dir=D:\GameServer\Citadel Forged With Fire
rem ^ Location to directory that the Citadel Server will be installed in ^
set Executable_Dir=D:\GameServer\Citadel Forged With Fire\Citadel\Binaries\Win64
rem ^ Location to directory containing the following executable ^
set Server_Executable=CitadelServer-Win64-Shipping.exe
rem ________________
rem ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
@echo off
title Citadel Server Watchdog

tasklist /nh /fi "Imagename eq %Server_Executable%" | find "CitadelServer"
if ERRORLEVEL=1 goto update
if ERRORLEVEL=0 goto close
echo Checking For Update
start "" /b /w /high "%SteamCMD_Dir%\steamcmd.exe" +login anonymous +force_install_dir "%Server_Dir%" +app_update 489650 validate +quit
echo If No Errors Exist, The Server Has Been Started! Check Task Manager
echo Waiting For Crash...
cd "%Executable_Dir%"
start "" /w /high "%Server_Executable%" -nosteamclient -server &:: Using "-log" Will Prevent Automatic Crash Detection
echo Crash Detected!
echo CTRL+C To Freeze Before Restarting
timeout /t 15
goto start
taskkill /im "%Server_Executable%" /f /t
timeout /t 3
goto start

3. abändern der Engine.ini


4. abändern der game.ini


WebServerPass=dein PW


WorldCreationSettings=(ServerName="Dein ServerName",ServerWipeIntervalDays=0,ServerType=PVE,PlayerLimit=40,bPrivate=True,UniqueOfficialServerKey="",MaxStructuresPerRegion=10000,MaxStructuresPerServer=120000,ExperienceMultiplier=1.000000,KnowledgePointEarnedMultiplier=1.000000,CharacterPointEarnedMultiplier=1.000000,bUnlimitedResources=False,PlayerDamageMultiplier=1.000000,ArmorMultipler=1.000000,BaseManaRegen=1.000000,InventoryCapacityMultipler=1.000000,bInventoryWeightRestrictions=True,MagicFindMultiplier=1.000000,FlyingCostMultiplier=1.000000,FlyingSpeedMultiplier=1.000000,bFlyingIsFree=False,StructureDecayMultiplier=1.000000,bThronesDecay=True,ResourceCollectionMultiplier=1.000000,StructureDamageMultiplier=1.000000,bRespectNoBuildZones=True,MagicStructureManaRegenerationMultiplier=1.000000,MagicStructureManaConsumptionMultiplier=1.000000,TimeOfDayLock=Auto,NPCPopulationMultiplier=1.000000)

5. Nun startet ihr den Server und Verbindet euch wie wir es im Video gezeigt haben.

6. Admin/Console Commands 

Citadel admin & console commands:

Chat commands:

Chat commands allow players to communicate with a subset of other online players. Chat messages are colored according to their target audience (an individual, your house, etc) when sent and received.

/s <message>

/say <message>

/g <message>

/general <message>

Send a chat message to the entire server. The message is received by the server, time-stamped, echoed to the sending player and sent to all online players. Such text is currently uncolored (white).

/whisper <player> <message>

/w <player> <message>

Send a chat message to the specified player. The message is received by the server, time-stamped, echoed to the sending player and sent to the receiving player. Such one-on-one text is currently colored purple.

/r <message>

/reply <message>

Send a chat message to the last player who whispered to you.Such one-on-one text is currently colored purple.

/party <message>

/p <message>

Send a chat message to your current player party, if any. All players in your party will be able to see your message, and it will appear in blue.

/house <message>

/h <message>

Send a chat message to your current house, if any. All players in your house will be able to see your message, and it will appear in orange.


/roll <XdY>

/roll <range>

Rolls 1d100 if no arguments are given, otherwise the given number of dice and type, otherwise generates a random number from 1 to range. If whispered to another player, only the two of you will see the result, if entered in party chat, only your party members will see the roll, in house chat only your online house members will see it, and in general chat everyone will see the result of your roll.

Party Commands:

Party commands allow players to form and manage adventuring parties. Logging out automatically removes you from a party. Parties are limited to five players, one of which is the designated party leader.

/invite <player>

/inv <player>

/party_invite <player>

Invite a player to join your party. (Note: Until corresponding UI is hooked up, the invited player is currently automatically invited into your party.)



Leave your current party.

/kick <player>

/party_kick <player>

Kick a player out of your party. (Note: Only the party leader can issue this command)

/promote <player>

/party_promote <player>

Promote a new player to be the party leader. (Note: Only the current party leader can issue this command)

House Commands:

House commands allow players to form and manage houses. Unlike adventuring parties, houses are persisted, enduring social structures which allow players to form key alliances in the game and work together on a level and scale not possible with the adventuring party mechanic.

/house_create <house name>

Forms a new House in the game world with the given unique name. House colors and a sigil will be assigned randomly and can then be edited through the house formation UI (which is not in place yet).

/house_invite <player>

Invite a player to join your house. (Note: Until corresponding UI is hooked up, the invited player is currently automatically joined to your house if they do not already belong to one)


Leave your current house

/house_kick <player>

Kick a player out of your house. (Note: Only the house founder can issue this command)

/house_setrank <player> <rank>

Change a player’s rank in your house. Rank is an integer from 0 to MaxRank, lower ranks having more authority. Ranks can be created/destroyed/renamed via future UI.(Note: Right now, only the house founder can issue this command) 


Disbands the house to which you belong.  (Note: Only the house founder can issue this command)

Query Commands:

Query commands allow players to ask the servers for informational data, some of which can or can not be otherwise obtained through in-game UI. Query commands are not privileged in any way (like cheat commands are) and can be executed by any logged in player.


Request a list of all players currently logged into the server.



Request a list of all players in your party (this should always match what you see on the HUD).



Request a list of all players in your current house logged into the server.

Cheat Commands:

Cheat commands allow players to break the game’s rules and are primarily intended for testing and debugging live builds. Cheat commands require an admin password before a player can enact them on any given server.

/setname <newname>

Change your player name to the new name specified. There is a maximum name length for any player of 12 characters. Names may not contain spaces, illegal characters or offensive language.

/givexp <amount>

Give yourself the specified amount of XP. This can cause you to go up one or more character levels depending on the amount. It is currently clamped between 0 and 10000 per command.

/giveresources <amount>

Give yourself the specified amount of each type of resource (wood, stone, rune energy). The amount is currently clamped between 0 and 1000 per command.


Gives 10000 of each resource type (wood, stone, rune energy). (For Brenden)

/givewood <amount>

Give yourself the specified amount of wood. The amount is currently clamped between 0 and 1000 per command.

/givestone <amount>

Give yourself the specified amount of wood. The amount is currently clamped between 0 and 1000 per command.

/giverune <amount>

Give yourself the specified amount of wood. The amount is currently clamped between 0 and 1000 per command.

/givespell <spell indices>

Grants the player one or more spells in the game using the spell index from the Spell data table.

/giveitem <item index> <amount>

Grants the player one or more items in the game using the item index from the Item data table.




Grants the player one of every item in the game (that is currently in the ItemTable) and first boots their carrying limit so they can carry it all. (crashes server?)


Learn all possible learnables in the game.

/spawnnpc <npc name>,<amount>,<level>

Spawn an NPC of a given type near you. Amount and level are optional and both default to ‘1’. NPC names are all lowercase, no spacing (list can be found in /GameData/NPCCheaitSpawnConfigData).


Regenerates your current health and mana pools to full.

/settime <time of day>

Sets the current time of day. Valid values range between 0 and 2400 (0 and 2400 being midnight, 1200 being noon).

/teleport <player>

Teleport next to the specified player.

/teleport <latitude> <longitude>

Teleport to a specific point on the map.




Immediately regrows all harvested nodes in the game world. Normally regrowth checks only happen infrequently (every ~15 min), and most harvestable resources do not return for several hours, nor when pawns are nearby (AI and players) nor when structure pieces have been built overtop. This cheat regrows them all immediately with the only exception being those nodes currently blocked by structures.




Kills you instantly by applying massive damage to your character, allowing all damage procs to still fire normally. It applies 1.0e+32 environmental damage.

/invincible <amount>

/superman <amount>

Sets the player’s base damage reduction anywhere between 0 - 100% and then recalculates stats accordingly. If an amount is not specified, the cheat assumes 100%.

Admin Commands:

Administration commands are intended to allow remote clients logged into the game to administer their server, which is particularly useful for headless dedicated servers.



Dump to the log a snapshot of the world state when this command is issued, including actor counts and other performance-relevant data.

/server_kick <player> <reason>

/gtfo <player> <reason>

Kick a player from the server for the reason specified. The player will be notified of the reason.

/server_ban <player> <reason>

/ban <player> <reason>

Bans a player from the server forever, and kicks them immediately if they are currently logged in. The reason is persisted and will be shown to the player on any future login attempts.

/server_unban <player>

/unban <player>

Unbans a player from the server, allowing them to login and play again normally.

/whois <player>

Returns information about the specified player, even if they are currently offline, including their SteamID for real-world identification.

/admin_delete <player>

/wipe <player>

Deletes the specified character from the server. Online players will be immediately kick from the server. Admins can delete their own characters with this command.

/admin_login <password>

/iamgod <password>

Attempt to log in as a remote administrator on the server. If the password supplied is the correct one, you will be have admin privileges on the server (able to execute all cheat commands and admin commands).

/admin_update <new_password>

Set a new admin password for the server. This will be saved into the ini as well as take effect immediately. After executing, all other admins will have their admin status revoked and must login again using this updated password. For a compromised server (someone unintended is able to execute this command and lock out real admins) the server should be shut down, the password changed in the ini, and the server restarted.


Causes admin privileges to be immediately revoked. They can be requested again afterwards by logging in again with the correct server password.


Forces an immediate auto-save of the character data for all online characters and the present state of the world. Normally, this data is periodically auto-saved on a timer (currently 10 mins).


The pawn will turn off its meshes, enable smooth cam and toggle ghost.


Causes the camera to interpolate over time towards the pawn’s facing rotation.


Modify the smoothness of the smoothcam. Acceptable values are 0.5 - 5.


Toggles the first person view meshes so they can be hidden from view. Useful for recording.


Toggles cheat flying. This consumes no mana and its speed can be customized.


Same as fly except the player collision is disabled.


Modifies the player’s flight speed when cheat flying.


Start recording a stat profile on the server for performance analysis. These files can get quite large very quickly, and it is not advised to leave this recording for extended periods (ie hours or days).


End recording of a stat profile on the server.

Client Commands:


Toggles Combat/EXP text in the player’s local chat window.

Beendet den Server über den Task Manager.

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rumpel Smile
[Bild: logo.png]