
Palworld Server FPS mit diesen Code in den Griff bekommen (Tickrate)


Weitere nützliche Einstellungen für eure engine.ini die eure Werte erhöhen sollten ...

LanServerMaxTickRate=120  ; Sets maximum ticks per second for LAN servers, higher rates result in smoother gameplay.
NetServerMaxTickRate=120  ; Sets maximum ticks per second for Internet servers, similarly ensuring smoother online gameplay.

ConfiguredInternetSpeed=104857600  ; Sets the assumed player internet speed in bytes per second. High value reduces chances of bandwidth throttling.
ConfiguredLanSpeed=104857600       ; Sets the LAN speed, ensuring LAN players can utilize maximum network capacity.

MaxClientRate=104857600          ; Maximum data transfer rate per client for all connections, set to a high value to prevent data capping.
MaxInternetClientRate=104857600  ; Specifically targets internet clients, allowing for high-volume data transfer without restrictions.

bSmoothFrameRate=true    ; Enables the game engine to smooth out frame rate fluctuations for a more consistent visual experience.
bUseFixedFrameRate=false ; Disables the use of a fixed frame rate, allowing the game to dynamically adjust frame rate for optimal performance.
SmoothedFrameRateRange=(LowerBound=(Type=Inclusive,Value=30.000000),UpperBound=(Type=Exclusive,Value=120.000000)) ; Sets a target frame rate range for smoothing.
MinDesiredFrameRate=60.000000 ; Specifies a minimum acceptable frame rate, ensuring the game runs smoothly at least at this frame rate.
FixedFrameRate=120.000000     ; (Not active due to bUseFixedFrameRate set to false) Placeholder for a fixed frame rate if needed.
NetClientTicksPerSecond=120   ; Increases the update frequency for clients, enhancing responsiveness and reducing lag.








Das war es auch schon wieder kurz und bündig erklärt.



rumpel  Smile Tongue